With bigger better, faster, stronger in mind this summer...and Raymo / Jared building their cars, I took it upon myself to freshen things up for this summer. I said goodbye to my RPFs =( and decided to go with something that had more pizz-azz! the black dragon is now rocking some AMEs laced with Falkens (off course, lol)...and with the new powerplant underway...i'm excited..here are some pics of the new shoes..
just wanted to update everyone. I recently decided to do away with the midmount intercooler setup and make way for a traditional FMIC and also decided to modify my tubs in the process. here's some updated pics...
Car is at Elevens paint and Fiber for paint and body work. Car is coming along nicely and should be done shortly and Im excited. The kit is already painted they still have the front fenders, rear fenders, and the car itself to paint then its done and it will be "SHOW TIME" (In my Swizz beats voice). I will have pics of the kit painted on the blog real soon... stay tuned!!