Monday, May 18, 2009

Snaps > Big Booboo....ouch!

It was a long saturday night last weekend. George met with a drift booboo...4 tow trucks later (short bed/long bed/winch type), we were able to get him outta the ditch and it was morning when we left (as you can see)...

thank god the motor was untouched, and there was only frame damage from his 50/50 boardslide down the curb...we've officially created a new sport called "drift grind"....

We celebrate the good and the bad on our site...please don't have the misconceptions that as grassroots local drifters we don't make mistakes and everything is picture perfect...mistakes happen, but we have big hearts, awesome friendships/brotherhood, we laugh it off and we push on together... we build, we drift, we crash, we rebuild and we keep drifting...right behind you Georgie!!

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